This 10-day excursion to the art festival in Luanda, Angola, celebrates the 15th anniversary of the Goethe-Institut Angola. This event encourages a creative collaboration between German and Angolan artists, focusing on creating site-specific artworks in the urban ruins of Luanda. There will be Preparatory Meetings with both Goethe Institute and lecturers to plan towards the exhibition and excursion.

Theme of the Exhibition:
The festival's theme, O FUTURO JÁ ERA / EINSTÜRZENDE NEUBAUTEN (AT), invites artists to explore and interpret the juxtaposition of past futures and architectural decay, fostering a dialogue between different cultures and artistic disciplines.Students have the opportunity to participate in collaborative work and co-exhibit. The exhibition is unpaid.

Deadline: 25.04.2024

How to Apply:
Interested students must submit a concept proposal that aligns with the festival's theme and includes a portfolio of their work. Anyone is welcome to apply; however, participants of Dukhee's and Helin's seminars and workshops will be given priority. There will be a capacity of max 5 Students.

Budget Information:
If funding is approved, 50% of travel expenses will be covered. The Goethe-Institut will assist with accommodation and one meal, material costs.

We ask students to independently inform themselves about which vaccinations, such as Yellow Fever or malaria prophylaxis, are needed or recommended.

- Participants will collaborate on an installation project, guided by lecturers and in partnership with local artists.
- The project will culminate in a public exhibition as part of the festival, showcasing the collaborative efforts and individual talents of the participants.
- This excursion offers an unparalleled opportunity for hands-on international collaboration, artistic growth, and cultural exchange.

Scheine: This excursion offers a workshop schein, and in some cases, upon consultation and presentation of artwork, one may obtain Leistungscheine.
The summer excursion will take place at the Cannes Film Festival. Accreditations will grant us access to the entire festival including the Main Competition, Un Certain Regard, the Acid and the Directors’ Fortnight.

We will focus on the last one as Julien Rejl’s program last year brought us wonderful first feature films such as Thien An Pham’s Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell and Ilya Povolotsky’s Grace which we have studied during the Reflexive Camera Seminar.

Cannes’ programme offers a myriad of events and depending on what is scheduled we will also be able to attend masterclasses, the market side of the festival, and numerous gatherings for which it is strongly recommended to adopt Cannes’ dress code i.e.: wear black shades and shiny shoes in order to accidentally manage to bump into the producer, director or actor/tress of your dreams.

Excursion to Vienna:

Visit the exhibition “Into the Woods” in KunstHausWien and meet with curator Sophie Hasslinger, (
Visit the “Klima-Biennale” (

Foto Arsenal Wien: two exhibitions to mark World Water Day 2024:
Beate Gütschow’s ‘Resistance. Flood. Fire.’ and Laure Winant’s ‘From a Tongue We Are Losing’.
Belvedere 21: Angelika Loderer’s ‘Soil Fictions’ and Oliver Ressler’s ‘Dog Days Bite Back’

The Weltmuseum Wien and the Künstlerhaus Vereinigung: ‘Unknown Artists of the Amazon’
‘Kubus III’: Michael Goldgruber and Markus Guschelbauer
MAK: immersive spatial installation by the artists’ collective Troika (Eva Rucki, Conny Freyer and Sebastian Noel)
Die Manifesta ist die europäische Nomadenbiennale. Sie wechselt alle zwei Jahre ihre Position innerhalb Europas. Ausgehend von ihrem proklamierten Anliegen und ihrer Förderstruktur kann sie als eine Art soziales Projekt verstanden werden, das sich mittels Kunst mit städtischen Strukturen beschäftigt, mit diesen interagiert, Veränderungen ermöglicht oder zumindest anregt. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wird auf dem Zusammenspiel zwischen den öffentlichen Räumen der Stadt und der künstlerisch, zum Teil (raum)forschenden Ansätzen der Ausstellenden gelegt.
Das proklamierte Ziel der Manifesta 15 ist es, dringende öffentliche Debatten zu erörtern, die sich um folgende Themen drehen: Demokratisierung des öffentlichen Lebens und die Verteidigung des öffentlichen Raums angesichts der Privatisierung; die Notwendigkeit, sozialen Fortschritt mit ökologischen Herausforderungen zu verbinden, heißt auch die Fragilität und Prekarität in Bezug auf Wohnraum, zum Personenverkehr zu bedenken, die Kapital, Daten und wirtschaftliche sowie ökologische Krisen schaffen.

Im Rahmen der Exkursion werden wir unerwartete Ausstellungsorte besuchen, viel davon auch in der Metropolenregion Barcelonas, und in Dialog mit den Veranstalter*innen und Personen der lokalen Kunstszene treten.