Als Kolloquium und Schreibwerkstatt angelegt, dient dieses für alle Fachgruppen offene Format der gemeinsamen Diskussion laufender Projekte und Abschlussarbeiten: Im Zentrum stehen Fragen zu Themenfindung und Recherche, zu theoretischem Zuschnitt und methodischer Herangehensweise sowie zu Zeitplanung, Schreiben und Realisierung.
Gastvortragende werden zudem aus laufenden Projekten berichten. In diesem Rahmen ist u.a. eine Exkursion in die Sammlung Prinzhorn am Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg geplant, die im Kontext einer thematischen Einheit des Kolloquiums zum Thema „Kunst und Wahnsinn“ stattfindet.

Das Kolloquium wird bei Bedarf zweisprachig (Deutsch/Englisch) durchgeführt.
A Colloquium on Experimental Ecologies, Posthuman Narratives and Beyond

The Living Futures–Colloquium is a series format aimed at fostering interdisciplinary collaboration in the HfG and exploration in the realms of bio art and design, new materialism, posthumanism, more-than-human narratives, sustainability, and life cycles. This series brings together experts and practitioners from diverse fields such as art history, product design, communication design, media art, and photography to delve into the intersections of their disciplines with cutting-edge concepts in contemporary art and design.
The colloquium offers knowledge sharing on a variety of topics loosely interconnected throughout the disciplinary fields of philosophy, media, art, and cultural theory. It encourages addressing these topics in the context of traumatic social, political and environmental transformations taking place in today’s world. The talks on different issues and questions, chosen by students themselves, will be held on two levels: firstly, in the form of a more or less spontaneous personal exchange, and, secondly, in small ad hoc learning teams gathered around a particular topic or problem.
Everybody is welcomed to seek advice in these topics as well as support or assistance in practical matters, such as writing academic and nonacademic texts.
These FFFF meetings are dedicated to all film students (orientation year, pre-diploma and diploma) and will happen 3 times over the 4 months of the summer semester.
These gatherings are made so to exchange about the school, the program, hear about your wellbeing and wishes and also to introduce your projects to others. The goal is to create a synergy, a film collective where everyone has an individual project but they are made collectively - everyone has interchangeable roles during pre-production, production and post production - so to renew the procedures and practices of cinema, and innovate in every field of filmmaking including economically.
Radio-Choreography is an artistic research project initiated in 2019 by Netta Weiser, in collaboration with choreographers, theorists, sound and radio artists. The project explores the transformation of dance into sound, the relations between live broadcasting and muted histories, as well as acts of listening as modes of being together. In this colloquium, students will be invited to listen and respond to existing archival works, join activities around these two events the Radio (non-)Conference#2_ Athens (excursion and local listening events) and the Radio-Choreography: Acts of Transmission Exhibition at the Badischer Kunstverein.

Students wishing to participate with their own works are encouraged to join the Living Media - Tactical Ultrasound Praxis Seminar with guest professor David Muñoz Alcántara.


Local listening & planned excursion:
Radio (non-)Conference#2_ Athens
01.06.2024, Onassis Stegi,

Radio (non-)Conference is an experimental format at the intersection of durational performance, live radio show, performative symposium and public forum. It invites artists, thinkers and activists to share sonic and body-based practices revolving around histories of migration, hybrid identities, and movements of resistance. The first Radio (non-)Conference took place in 2022 in the frame of KONTAKTE Festival for Electroacoustic Music and Sound Art at the Akademie der Künste in Berlin. Radio (non-)Conference#2 will take place at Onassis Stegi in Athens in collaboration with STEGI Radio (online radio station Athens), (Free Artists Radio in Berlin) and The Unlikely Margin (The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna).

Selected guests include: Saidiya Hartman, Fotini Stamatelopoulou, Anna Bromely, Arkadi Zaides, The Syrian & Greek Youth Forum, AfrobeatsAthens among others.


Radio-Choreography: Acts of Transmission
20.06.2024 - 01.09.2024
Exhibition at the Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe the Radio-Choreography: Acts of Transmission explores the ways that embodied knowledge is transmitted over generations, focusing on dance, healing practices and female jewish-muslim solidariteis. The centrepiece of the exhibition is a sound installation exploring the translation of choreographic practice into multichannel electronics. It brings together sounds of Jewish-Moroccan dance, blessings for fertility in Judeo-Arabic, and a choreographic poem to an ancestor from Giza. The work is developed in collaboration with performance artist Nora Amin (Cairo/ Berlin), researcher Vanessa Paloma Elbaz (Cambridge University, UK) and choreographer Shira Eviatar (Tel-Aviv). During the timeframe of the exhibition the installation is activated with a series of performative interventions, workshops, listening acts in public space and radio broadcasts in cooperation with Querfunk Freies Radio Karlsruhe and Berlin.
Das Forschungskolloquium dient der Vorbereitung und methodischen Begleitung von Studien- und Abschlussarbeiten. Es diskutiert Grundlagen des Forschens und unterstützt die Ausarbeitung individueller Projekte. Zu diesem Zweck verbindet dieses Kolloquium die Lektüre von Texten zu Methodiken des Forschens und einzelne Gastvorträge mit einem offenen Forum zur Präsentation studentischer Vorhaben und in Arbeit befindlicher Projekte.
Im Rahmen dieses Formats wird Beratung und Hilfestellung bei der Themensuche und Methodenwahl angeboten. Sowohl Studierende im Grund- und Hauptstudium sowie Doktorierende sind zur Teilnahme eingeladen.
Im SoSe 2024 lädt das Kolloquium zudem zur Beteiligung an einem am 20. Juni im Rahmen des Kurses 'Digital Matters' durchgeführten interdisziplinären Forschungssymposium 'im Feld' ein (Tagesexkursion).